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Philippine Overseas Employment Administration ( POEA ) released a memorandum about the replacement of the Seafarers' Registration Cer...
A huge weight has been taken off on seafarers' shoulder as Maritime Industry Authority ( MARINA ) announced the new validity of Seafar...
from 10 years to life of the person World Health Organization (WHO) amended the International Health Regulation (IHR) 2005, Annex 7 wh...
*** [ Click Here ##hand-o-up## ] For Easy Guide in POEA-SRC Online Registration for Seafarers (New and Upgrade) Philippine Overseas E...
Maritime Industry Authority ( MARINA ) released STCW Advisory No. 2016-14 which contains clarifications on some provisions of STCW Circul...
Sixteen (16) Filipino Seafarers are seeking for help (through social network Facebook) to go home. Currently on Thailand onboard MV Pano...
Manila International Airport Authority ( MIAA ) newly-appointed General Manager Eddie Villanueva Monreal announced that Regular (White) TA...
The Maritime Industry Authority abbreviated as MARINA (in Filipino: Pangasiwaan ng Kalakalang Pandagat), is an agency under the Department ...
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